Lord I praise you! I Glorify you today! Today I lift up your name Lord Jesus!
Lord I Thank you for granting me a good rest last night. Lord I thank you for giving me a Good Morning. Lord I thank you for the food that you have given me this morning may it give me the energy to spread Your Good News to the people that I will be encountering today. Lord Thank you for giving me a Healthy Body Today. Thank you for let me seeing the beauty of nature. Thank you for making me realize that you are really worthy to be praised that even the leaves of the plants and trees praises you. hank you for the music that I am listening that it will always be meant to praise and glorify you Jesus. Thank you for giving my family all the Blesseing may you always protect them in all of their activities.
Lord I know that you know all of my needs but I would like to ask you these:
Lord grant me financial freedom. Continue to Bless my business and my customers my suppliers. Lord grant me the wisdom and give me a compassionate heart in dealing with my difficulties. Pour out your grace Lord in bounty so that I may be able to give more to people who needs it. Lord teach me to understand the meaning of true love. Give me the feeling of love and good intentions in inspiring the woman of my life. As I continue to search for that woman May it be a journey of finding true joy and happiness and that I may live because of love. Lord I ask you to continue to pour out your enormous blessings to my ministry. Guide all of our members and leaders for this day that they may become more closer to you Lord Jesus. Lord I asked to grant our PARISH PRIEST Fr JOJO the wisdom, the strength, the encouragement, the compassionate heart in dealing with the issues of our Parish right now. May he lead us and draw us more closer to you.
With a trusting heart, I asked all of these in the name of Jesus, with the intercession of our Mother Mary Most Holy. AMEN!