Having been baptized in the Roman Catholic and is continuing to serve the Lord and the Church,
It daunted in my mind how Jesus is truly present in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist or the Holy Mass.
I thirst for worship and I hunger for his words, knowledge and wisdom. That is the very reason that I started attending the FEAST in PICC. So Today in the homily of Father Bob, he explains the parts of the Holy Eucharist and how Jesus is truly present in it.
The Procession, The cross always leads the way.
We are in a continuing journey. This world is not our permanent home but a temporary shelter Jesus is the way, the Truth and the life and in the procession we are reminded to follow him everyday wherever we may be.
The Accolides follows bringing the candles.
Lighted Candles symbolizes light of Jesus. As we go our way in our countinuing journey in this world Jesus lights our paths.
The priest kisses the table in the altar.
A kiss is a symbol of affection of the love of God. Also, we are not the only one present when we celebrate the Holy Eucharist but we are accompanied by ALL THE ANGELS AND SAINTS. Imagine St Pope John Paul II, St Peter, St Paul, St Pedro Calungsod, St Lorenzo Ruiz, St Francis of Asisi, St Ignatius of Loyola, St Anthony, St Michael the Arc Angel, St Raphael, St Gabriel. Wow! all of them are present. They are there with you.Kind to think that if the Saints are there in their Holiness we too are becoming holy . We will share one body of Christ when we will receive Jesus in the Holy Communion
The Liturgy of the Word
A constant reminder of how we will be able to become more like Jesus Christ.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Offering of the Gifts
As we are blessed with our temporal needs it is an opportunity to us to give back what we have. Encouraged is 10% of our earnings.
We also offer our prayer of petitions. Our needs to live in this world. Our brokeness. Our shortcomings. Our Failures.
Receiving of the Holy Communion
How do you receive the God of Host? Is it by hand or by using your toungue?
There is an interesting history about this.
Which do you think is the traditional way of receiving the body of Christ?
If your answer is by tounge ooops! sorry your wrong. Receiving the Holy Body of Christ in traditional time is by hand. The problem during that period is that the people are bring the God of Host in their homes and community and begin using the God of Host in their benediction of their own homes. That is why after 1000 years of doing that, the church think of a way to stop it and a smart bishop or priest suggested that the Holy Host will be received using the toungue. As the church matures, the Vatican Council II permits the use either of the toungue and of the hand making no both action lesser or more on the effect of receiving the body of Christ. It said that the purity of the heart and the openess of oneself is the most important thing to do in receiving the Holy Communion.
For the real presence of Jesus is to be present within us, as we partake in receiving the holy communion, then and only then that real presence of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes present with in us. And since that the Holy Communion is also received by other people gathered in our community we are in communion with them also. We become one with the Body of Christ.
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